Seeding & Planting

Precision planters
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Vegetable planters
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Combined drills
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Special precision planting

What it is and why to use it

Conservative agriculture is the set of agronomic techniques aimed at safeguarding the fertility of the cultivated soil. Based on the principles of crop diversification, reduction of the intensive tillage and soil cover, it is implemented in order to recreate the biological balances necessary for the development of vital, fertile agricultural ecosystems capable of ensuring high productive yields in the medium and long term. By applying conservation farming techniques it is possible to obtain multiple agronomic benefits, including a low environmental impact deriving from the reduction of CO2 emissions and an increase in the content of organic matter with a consequent increase in fertility.


MASCHIO GASPARDO offers high quality solutions starting from the range of ploughs, subsoilers, rotary tillers and power harrows that allow to meet different farmers' needs. 

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MASCHIO GASPARDO Group offers a qualified technical assistance service through carefully selected Dealers. Experience and competence ensure the satisfaction of our customers.

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