
Our concret commitment 

We at MASCHIO GASPARDO are committed to concretely help those in need: through our initiatives to support the most disadvantaged, young people and their future.

Support to the Civil Protection

Az Egidio Maschio Ösztöndíj kezdeményezés célja, hogy konkrét gesztussal fejezze ki azokat az értékeket, amelyek egész életében lelkesítették alapítónkat, és amelyek ma a Csoport filozófiájának alapját képezik: elkötelezettség, kitartás és elszántság a saját célok elérése érdekében.            A díj megerősíti azt a MASCHIO Gaspardóban is osztott meggyőződést, hogy a vállalatok társadalmi felelőssége, hogy segítsék a fiatalokat a tanulmányi területükön, támogassák döntéseiket és megkönnyítsék beilleszkedésüket a munka világába.                                                                                                                                                                                Minden fiatalnak azt kívánjuk, hogy sikeresen valósítsák meg jövőbeli terveiket, és briliáns módon gyakorolják választott szakmájukat.
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We reward students through the "Egidio Maschio Scholarships" program

"Egidio Maschio Scholarships" initiative aims to express through a concrete gesture the values ​​that have animated our founder throughout his life and which today are the basis of Group's philosophy: commitment, perseverance and determination in pursuing own goals.
The award also reaffirms the belief, shared in MASCHIO GASPARDO, that companies have the social responsibility of assisting young people in their field of study, supporting their choices and facilitating their integration into the world of work. Our wish to all young people is to realise successfully their future plans and to brialliantly practise their chosen profession.
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We bring students closer to the world of work

We enthusiastically participate in initiatives that promote students' approach to the world of work. Through dedicated programs, young people have the opportunity to visit our factories and meet the professionals working in the company. To the older ones the paths and opportunities that an international company like ours can offer are also shown and they are given the opportunity to participate to stages or curricular internships. We are proud to contribute to an optimal integration into the world of work for the youngest.
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We support the mobility of the elderly, disabled and children

We participate to initiatives to support the mobility of the more needy people and in synergy with local realities we provide tools suitable for the transport of elderly and disabled people in our reference territory. In the Municipality of Campodarsego (Padua), for example, this initiative guarantees an annual mobility of over a thousand routes dedicated to different users' needs.
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